Class ideas, risk form, visas... We're all being inundated with all the preparatory details at the moment (and for a least another month or so). But I know that our India trip is going to be an extraordinary adventure for all of us. This blog will be a big part of the Jan Plan. We will ask you to log about your experiences and certain assigned topics. It will be "homework"sometimes and just somewhere to get your thoughts out of your head and into ours at other times. It will also be a place where family and friends can keep up with us. Use it while you're still at Colby to get to know your fellow classmates. I'll post here from time to time to enter an ongoing debate,to muse, or to communicate necessary info. Two months before we leave from JFK!
Monday, December 31, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Etre et Avoir
After watching "Etre et Avoir" please write comments for this entry that talk about the things I mentioned in my earlier email.
Posted by steven nuss at 1:07 PM 13 comments
Laptop Donation Deadline Extended
Today's Wall Street Journal is reporting that the One Laptop Per Child "Give One Get One" program has been extended until December 31 so there's still time to go to and gets yours to take to India to donate to the Ashram!
Posted by Tanya Randall at 9:06 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
"Etre et Avoir"
I took a lot away from our film showing last week. I know that our teaching situation and atmosphere will be quite different than a French one room school house with students of mixed ages but what Lopez did with his students is still applicable to our teaching experience. I was impressed by his role as mediator, instructor and mentor. Seeing all of the different aspects of his job as a teacher, made me thankful for the fact that there will be a few of us teaching each class. I was also impressed by the respect Lopez demanded in the classroom and the response of his students. One thing that really struck me was how he could keep all of the students engaged or at least occupied in the classroom at one time. One way in which he did this was having the older students tutor the younger students. I know we won't have a dramatic age difference among students in our classes but there may be some range of ability and it is important to remember that instructing others is one of the best ways to become really secure with material. The other great point that the film made was that there is a time for work and play. When Jojo didn't complete his drawing he wasn't allowed outside for recess. Lopez was brilliant at including other activities that benefitted the students besides studying such as cooking. And the sledding trip was also a great opportunity for physical activity.
Posted by Lane at 7:32 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 26, 2007
Does anyone need a room?
Hello all, I hope everyone had a nice break. If anyone needs, I will be able to host someone overnight comfortably or maybe two not so comfortably. I live in Staten Island, so there is still some travel time required to get to Penn, but it isn't very long. Let me know, so we can make arrangements. Thanks!! Pamela Colon
Posted by Pamela Colon at 10:36 AM 0 comments
Saturday, November 24, 2007
A Response to "Etre et Avoir"
There is a clear difference that exists between the students seen in the film ‘Etre et Avoir’ and the young students we are all used to working with. Their quiet manner and reserved personalities reflect a difference in character that should not be overlooked. We are going to a place where the children we are going to be teaching will have entirely different backgrounds from ourselves. They have the same quirks and same desires to deviate from the rules at times, but they come from dramatically different roots and respond differently to authority. With that said, the film also depicts a teaching style worth noting. M. Lopez’s rigorous style of teaching is also fun; he requires a great deal of his students, but teaches in such a way that he has gained their respect and trust. He challenges them with questions and never gives a direct answer. Because of this, it is requisite for his students to be engaged. This is an important philosophy, and one that we should keep in mind when we become teachers ourselves. M. Lopez became a mentor to his students, not just a teacher. He has made himself available to them both on an educational level as well as a personal level. This is where the film relates to us and our endeavors. It is important to keep in mind that despite differences inherent in people of different backgrounds there is a personal connection that can be formed between any two individuals. The relationships we should seek to form with the students at the Gandhi Ashram should be based on confidence and trust.
Posted by Nate Eberly at 8:11 AM 0 comments
Friday, November 23, 2007
Etre et Avoir
Much can be learned through observing Mr. Lopez interact with all of his students. His calm, always in control presence is the first thing that I noticed. At times I am sure he feels annoyed by their questions or behavior but he is able to maintain his positive attitude and never ceases to speak to them, on their level, in a calm and encouraging tone. Mr. Lopez was seemingly always in control, however the children still tried to pull tricks on him and convince him that they did not have to do their work. This made me realize that no matter how much control you think you have over a situation, children will be children and are always testing their limits and trying your patience. Another message I took away from observing Mr. Lopez is the importance of allowing mistakes to happen. The child will learn best if you let them figure something out on their own and then take a step back and see what went wrong. You can compare what a child knows versus what you think they know by allowing them to make this mistake and through questioning them allow the correct answer to come out. Echoing what a lot of other people have already said, the fact the Mr. Lopez never gives a direct answer but guides the children along so that they can answer their own questions is another great technique.
Posted by Cassie at 9:18 AM 0 comments
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Response: "Etre et Avoir"
The most profound message that I took away from the video was the importance of body language and presence while in the classroom. Mr. Lopez did more teaching his students with his actions than his voice. He got down to their level. He helped them hold the marker and write the word. He looked them in the eye. He was always calm, always confident, never showing any frustration or fatigue, which I am sure he must have felt at many points during the day. This paid dividends in how his class functioned. It was controlled and productive not because he ruled with an iron fist and shouted commands but because he knew how to engage them, the students understood the expectations, and he was ready. This was all reflected in how he carried himself. Nonverbal communication is extremely important, especially around children because they are very sensitive to it. The success of any activity is as much based on how it is run as its actual content. I think the way we carry ourselves inside and outside the classroom will have a big impact on how effective we are at Gandhi Ashram.
Posted by Jake Pinkston at 8:48 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Transcending the Academic Lifestyle and into the Student’s Social Lifestyle—A response to a scene in "Etre et Avoir"
Like many of my fellow peers, I really admire the way Mr. Lopez helped the students arrive at the answers themselves. I was extremely captivated by the initial interaction between Mr. Lopez and Jojo, who was one of his students, and wanted to know if it was the morning or the afternoon. Given the student’s age, I did not expect Mr. Lopez to confront Jojo the way he did. He throws the question back, makes Jojo consider the typical activities performed in past mornings and afternoons, and ultimately has Jojo arrive at the final answer himself. Echoing the sentiments of Aristotle, Allison, and Lauren, this scene definitely deconstructs, to a certain extent, the notion of the teacher as the “authority figure,” by having the student figure out the answer himself. However, this scene also points out that this strategy must be utilized even with the simplest questions and with questions that are seemingly detached of academic value. Mr. Lopez could have easily given Jojo the answer, but this only disables Jojo from realizing that he can figure the answer out on his own—an answer to a question beyond academics. By watching this scene, I discovered that a teacher must not only destroy the students’ perceived hierarchy in the classroom within the academic realm, but the social realm as well. While teaching students that they can arrive at answers to problems like one plus one by themselves, we should concomitantly teach students that they can figure out problems in their lives on their own as well.
Posted by Billy at 7:49 PM 0 comments
"Etre et Avoir"
Monsieur Lopez, in "Etre et Avoir", demonstrated several effective methods for teaching kids. Above all else, the strategy that seemed to stand out most was the way in which he continuously asked his students question after question, forcing them to create answers for themselves rather than just telling them how they should think. What's more, he did not only apply this method to classroom related issues. When there was a fight or when a student was wondering about life in general (ghosts, for example), he would ask the students to explain in detail the way the understood their situations. In doing this, Lopez was able to teach his students far more than just mathematics or writing--he taught them to think critically and he challenged them to understand their own thought processes. He never allowed his students to accept an abstract idea without having them demonstrate why that idea was important. This strategy is extremely applicable to the work we will be doing at the Gandhi Ashram. While it would be possible to simply convey the various theories we wish to teach, Lopez's approach illustrates the great value in forcing students to find ways to make those theories personal. Without a means to relate to concepts taught in classes, our students will not have the ability to use and apply the knowledge we will give them. For this reason, it is important that we learn to place our lessons within contexts that make sense to our students. By engaging our students in this way, we will be able to both maintain their attention and pass on knowledge that the students will be able to remember and apply.
Posted by Michael Hudson at 7:42 PM 0 comments
Monsieur Lopez: Firm Yet Gentle
One thing that left an impression on me was the manner in which Monsieur Lopez regarded his children. Though some of them may only have come up to his knee in height, he still did his best to regard them as equal and capable individuals. Doing his best to engage the children in serious conversation he was able to discuss relevant concepts and goals, for his class, without utilizing any elements of authoritarianism. As a good teacher I think it is important to be able balance the levels of nurture and discipline that one’s students may need. I can admit that I myself have such problems with this ratio. For example it’s not unlikely for me to baby younger children by regarding them as perhaps extremely small or cute. Though they often may be these things it’s also important to realize that through my role as a teacher I have to regard them in the same manner as I would students of any age. Thus by this principle I feel that Monsieur Lopez was best able to connect with all age groups. By presenting himself as a concerned and accessible leader Monsieur Lopez was able to yield the type of approval that any teacher would hope to receive. Thus like any other leadership role we, as teachers, need to realize that it’s most important to act in a manner that best facilitates our students. Having had my share of power lusting leaders, in the past, I can easily say that one should never promote their one feelings of insecurity by marginalizing the needs of their adherents. Perhaps in a different environment Monsieur Lopez could have declared himself as an expert in the field of education; publishing articles on the disciple and maybe even perusing a P.H.D. Such a fate may even be “ideal” for a man who has spent 30+ years in the classroom, yet for the sake of this rural French community; Lopez has found a niche for himself in providing educational foundations for children at the elementary level.
Posted by ratul Bhattacharyya at 7:03 PM 0 comments
Avoir et Etre
Monsieur Lopez was very impressive in the way he managed his classroom. He had complete control and I think this was due to the children's obvious respect for him. This respect is key in building a good classroom atmosphere, especially when classes are large as they will be in India. Monsieur Lopez built this respect up by respecting the children as well. It's easy for kids to dislike someone who is simply there to be an authority figure and lay down rules. However, Mr. Lopez made it clear through individual time spent with the kids that he appreciated them and was looking out for their well-being. This way the kids grew to understand that everything he did was on their behalf and they were willing to be on their best behavior for him. He knew what was happening in the kids lives, for example when he asked about the one boy's sick dad, and the children knew that he cared about them. I think it will be important to really get to know the kids in India so that they understand that respect is a two-way street just as M. Lopez's kids learned. He was also able to hold the attention of all the students. He always got down to their level when he spoke to them so he could make eye-contact and make it more clear that he was on the same level as them. He also asked a lot of questions to the children, instead of him just having all the answers. This allowed the children to come up with the answers themselves which made them think more, but also gave them a feeling of pride for their work. It's important for the kids to feel good about themselves to they are inspired to continue working. He was also very flexible with his lesson plans. If one child asked a question in the middle of oe of his activities, he would allow them to talk about it for a while. By doing this they learned more about each other, and he learned more about them, which further strengthened their relationship. They also felt comfortable participating in discussion because he never shut them down. He made them feel as though their opinions were all very meaningful. I learned a lot from this movie about what it takes to earn the respect of a classroom filled with kids from different ages. It basically requires having an open ear to the everything that is said, and allowing the children to play a role in their own education. Also, simple things like calling someone directly by name, and eye-contact can really help demand attention. Mainly, I would like to get the message across that I respect the kids, and I expect the same from them, not that I consider myself a superior.
Posted by lauren at 5:12 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Response to "Etre et Avoir"
Responding to the movie “Etre et Avoir” we just recently watched, I found some of the concepts employed by Monsieur Lopez to be transferable to our classrooms at the Gandhi Ashram School. Throughout the film I noticed the extent to which Monsieur Lopez used a series of questions to bump the student to the correct conclusion. On numerous occasions the camera observed Monsieur Lopez patiently inquiring students with a number of additional questions. It was evident early on that his questions were aimed not at the correct answer per se but rather towards the process of correct deduction itself. This is particularly interesting because it taught the student not only the information at hand but also the logical approach required. For January, we can utilize this in our classrooms to make the experience more about learning and less about memorizing. I also found the use of other students as a teaching instrument to be equally as interesting. Monsieur Lopez would actively engage the entire class in a single students work. If a student was hesitant or lacked an answer other students were there to help through peer education. This concept can also be directly translated into our classrooms at the Gandhi Ashram. Our knowledge of the local atmosphere and environment of the students is very limited; the language barrier only complicates the situation further. It will be fundamental for us to employ the aid of students. Peer responses and competition if used and focused properly can be a valuable resource. Monsieur Lopez displayed masterfully the implementation of these concepts and he enjoyed the fruits of his labor. The classroom dynamic became far simpler and extremely more enjoyable and interesting. I only hope to use these with the same effect at the Gandhi Ashram.
Posted by Ryan at 11:29 AM 0 comments
I thought the film "Etre et Avoir" did an excellent job in showing a classroom atmosphere that many of us are probably not too familiar with. It was interesting to see the dynamics among the children who were forced to learn in such close proximity. I was surprised to see children as young as four and a half learning right along children who were more than twice their age. I felt that the scene where the young boy was crying for his mother and the older boy consoled him exemplified the sense of cohesiveness in the educational experience. I also thought Monsieur Lopez was a quite the character. I especially liked the way he would talk to students. It reminded me a lot of my own father who, whenever I would ask him questions when I was young, would always reply with more questions until I actually figured it out myself. The scene where Monsieur Lopez gets the young boy to comprehend the concept of infinity was particularly significant. He was also very good at listening to the students, especially to the ones who had obvious social problems. I think this movie helped me realize that the Ghandi Ashram is going to be unlike any teaching or learning environment I have yet to encounter. I will definitely need to listen to the students more closely, not only because of the language barrier, but also because of the cultural differences I am sure to face.
Posted by Jack D'Isidoro at 10:50 AM 0 comments
Response to "Etre et Avoir"
I was very impressed with the way Lopez (is that his name?) conducted himself and controlled his classroom. He spoke to the students like adults and because he respected them, they trusted and respected him. He displayed an incredible amount patience when dealing with the children by being clear, concise, and always remaining calm. I liked that he made the students stand by their seats until he told them to sit down (obviously this would only be applicable for certain age groups) because it affirmed his position as instructor, every morning, and signaled the students that the class was beginning. There were two situations that I specifically appreciated: 1) When the two 5th grade students had a conflict, and Lopez mediated the discussion between the two students. Communication is the key to resolving all conflicts. 2) When the two younger students, Jojo and another, had a conflict near the gate and Lopez resolved the situation calmly. The two words I use to characterize Lopez are 'passive assertive' (NOT passive aggressive), a trait that we should all try to emulate.
Posted by Anonymous at 10:44 AM 0 comments
Response to "Etre et Avoir"
Reflecting on the movie we watched on Sunday, there are many ideas and practices demonstrated by the teacher, Monsieur Lopez, that we will be able to take with us to the Gandhi Ashram School in January. I think that the M. Lopez did a remarkable job of maintaining order in a classroom with such varied ages. He was able to do so by remaining clam and composed throughout the entire day. I don't recall him raising his voice once when he did not approve of one of his students' actions. I also thought that he did a great job of allowing his students to figure things out on their own. He would rarely just give them the answer to a question they had. Instead, he would ask them more questions until they came up with the answer on their own, or he would ask another student to explain the concept to them. I think this is something that will be very useful when we are teaching at the Gandhi Ashram School. If there are students in the classroom who speak English better or understand the concepts of the lesson more than others, it might be beneficial for us to let them explain the lesson to their classmates who don't understand in a language or wording that might be more clear than the way we explain and understand things. As demonstrated by the movie, math concepts can be understood and taught in a variety of ways, so this will be something for me to keep in mind during my math classes this January.
Posted by Allison Holmes at 7:43 AM 0 comments
Response to "Etre et Avoir"
In watching “Etre et Avoir” this past Sunday, I found myself noticing how much patience teaching really requires. From his tenure, it would seem that Monsieur Lopez has mastered this, and it my hope that in my weeks teaching this January, I will be able to grasp this skill as well. Lopez, it seems from what I saw in the movie, never lost his temper, even with the more difficult children, but instead helped them to figure out their problems calmly and patiently. I saw also that Lopez wasn’t teaching to hear the sound of his own voice as some teachers do, but instead was constantly asking questions of his students and taking the time to listen and reflect on their answers. He also wasn’t too tough on any one student, but was stern enough to show them all that he was indeed their teacher, and they would have to follow his instructions and keep their promises to him. The overall sense I got by the end of the movie then was that Lopez balanced all the right “ingredients” in his teaching method and it is my hope that in doing the same this January, I too will be adored in a similar manner by at least a few of the students at the Gandhi Ashram.
Seeing Lopez work with the younger children on their penmanship also got me thinking about whether or not this might be something we need to work on with the younger students at the Ashram during our English classes. His idea of writing a word and then having the children copy it seems like it would be applicable if necessary. I also thought that having students critique each other’s penmanship was a good idea too, if only to mix things up a little bit.
Posted by Ricky at 7:07 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 12, 2007
Take a laptop with you to India to donate!
I'm a parent of one of the students going with you all to India this year and have a creative idea for you: Go to and you'll see that TODAY is the first day of a very short term (15 day) opportunity for people in North America only to buy two of the revolutionary, very low wattage and indestructible laptops designed specifically for use in developing nations - all for $400! The particularly creative part of this is that one of the computers purchased is automatically sent to a child in need overseas, but the other one will be sent to your home in the US before the upcoming holidays and you can then hand carry it to Kalimpong to donate to the Ashram - what a great outcome, and all for $400 :-) Please get in touch with me at if you or your parents are interested and have any questions.
Posted by Tanya Randall at 8:34 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Biographies of Gandhi Ashram Boarders
Professor Roy received the following biographies of Gandhi Ashram boarders: students who have graduated from the Gandhi Ashram but continue to live and learn at the school while attending good high schools in the area. They are a determined and inspiring bunch and their bios make great reading. We will be meeting and teaching all of them, so get reading!
DOB: 8 Oct 1992
I am Deepa Darjee. I was born in a peaceful small village on 4th Mile, not very far from Gandhi Ashram. I am from a poor family. I was given an education through Gandhi Ashram School which was founded by our late Fr. Mc Guire.
I am 15 years old and presently studying in Class 9 in Dr. Graham’s Homes. I have taken commerce and humanities. My parents are illiterate. I am the only daughter in my family. My father works as a driver, and so do my two older brothers. My mother is a simple housewife who also looks after our little garden. I am the only child in the family who is getting an education. My brothers dropped out of school when they were in class 3.
My interest: to read storybooks, and novels.
My strength: my family. Although poor, they support me
My weakness: mathematics
My aim in life: to become a nurse.
DOB: 10 Aug 1991
I was born in a family of seven consisting of my parents, three sisters and myself. My mother takes care of a small farm and my father is a laborer who is unemployed most of the time. Three of my sisters are in school but it is very difficult of my parents to support them. I was very lucky to get an opportunity to be at the Gandhi Ashram School. And t is all because of late Fr. McGuire who brought me to this school. Although he has passed away, he’s still in my heart. I am in class 10 at dr. Graham’s Homes. I love playing the violin. It is my favorite instrument. My main hobbies are reading story books and collecting stickers. From a young age, I dreamed of being a doctor and a nurse to help the sick who cannot afford medical care. However, I have to improve a lot in science since I am weak in subjects like Chemistry and Physics.
DOB 5 July 1990
I am in Celina and first cried on this earth on July 5. Kalimpong is my home town. The name of the village where I live is Poshyor Busty. I speak three different languages—English, Hindi, and Nepali. Nepali is my mother tongue—a language spoken by a majority of the people in the hills. I can also speak a little bit of Bengali.
Gandhi Ashram School, founded by Fr. Mc Guire, was a school built for poor children who could not afford to get a proper education. Since my family was very poor, they admitted me and my brother to the Gandhi Ashram School when we were only five years of age.
I play the violin and enjoy the experience of playing with others. I am thankful to Fr. McGuire. Through him I have achieved a lot—a chance to study and play music. My father is a small farmer who grows maize and chilies, and my mother assists him in the fields. But we do not own the land but only work for a rich farmer who owns nearly 10 acres of land. I have a big family—six brothers and sisters. I am now in Rockvale Academy school in Kalimpong, in standard 12th, studying humanities—geography, sociology, English, and Nepali. I am a helpful and kind person, but I am shy by nature and cannot easily speak to boys or strangers. I love playing badminton. My hobbies include collecting pictures of famous people. In my spare time, I listen to music—classical, pop, and Hindi music, and chatting with my friends. For further studies, I am thinking of taking sociology and science in order to become a nurse. Gandhi Ashram School has given me a new life; otherwise, my life would have been dark and full of despair.
DOB 10 OCT 1989
Everyone has their own unique identity and so do i. I am Bipana studying in one of the listed ICSE schools in Kalimpong named Saptashri Gyanpeeth. Since I was a child I have been jolly and jovial. I am a bit overweight and short. But I love playing pranks on my friends. I get my strength from my old granny who is no more with us. My granny will always be in my heart and I treasure her memory. I hate no one, despise no one. My weakest point is my fear: I am scared of being alone or getting on the stage to speak in front of an audience. I feel that I don’t have enough self-confidence.
I have a small family of 4 members, including my parents. I am the eldest daughter and I have a smaller sister who studies in class 7 in Gandhi Ashram school. My father is a daily laborer and my mother works at home. We are a peaceful family. I am one of the boarders at the Gandhi Ashram School.
I am interested in studying History, Economics, Political Science and Sociology. I feel I can do much better in Economics if I receive some additional help in the subject. I am thinking of doing a B.A. in social work after I pass out of school, focusing on environmental education. I wish to see myself as a successful woman after about 5 years. My role models are Sunita Williams (the astronaut), Sania Mirza (the tennis player), Mother Teresa, and Indira Gandhi. India is also very lucky to have a woman president, Pratibha Patil. There’s nothing we cannot achieve if we try. There’s nothing impossible since the word impossible itself says “I am possible.” After I get a job, I would look after my family and help Gandhi Ashram School in whatever way possible. I will leave no stone unturned to make the school successful in the future.
DOB 7 AUG 1991
My name is Deuaki Biswakarma. My name means a goddess. I acome from a poor farming family in 5th mile. There are five members in my family. My father ia farmer of maize and vegetables and my mother is a housewife. My elder brother lives near Mumbai working as an office assistant. My elder sister just joined economics honors at Viswa Bharati in Santiniketan, a university near Calcutta. I am the youngest in the family and go to Saptarshi Gyanpeeth in Kalimpong.
At present I am in class 10, and my favorite subjects are English and Biology. My favorite hobby is reading books like science fiction and romances, and I love to chat with my friends. My aim in life is to a flight attendant. I will try my level best to achieve this goal, because this is a profession that allows a person to travel and meet new people in foreign lands. I respect my parents, elders, teachers, and friends. I am not a very good student—just below average, but I am trying my best to do well in my ICSE board exams. I am very serious about my future because if I do well I can help my own family, my village, and Gandhi Ashram School.
DOB 4 APRIL 1992
I am Kingjam Sherpa and I was born in 1992 in a small village called Tanek. I was given a good education at Gandhi Ashram, and when I finished class 8 I was sent to St. Joseph’s Convent in Kalimpong. There are 5 members in my family—my father, mother, one sister and a brother, and myself. My father used to work in the fields but now he is disabled and cannot work anymore. My mother is the sole breadwinner. She is a hard working woman who spends nearly 10 hours toiling in the fields every day. During the monsoon rains, she stays at home and occasionally goes out to do some weeding. My sister also helps my mother in the fields and does all of the household chores. My brother studies in dr. Graham’s Homes in class 10. he is also helped by Gandhi Ashram School.
I wish to be an airline attendant. But more importantly, I wish to be a good and responsible citizen. I would like to help other poor children get an education in a school like Gandhi Ashram.
My name is Sita and I was born on December 25, 1991 in Nussey Bustee above Gandhi ashram. But after my father died in 2004, my family has shifted to a place called east Main Road. There are 5 members in my family including myself. My mother looks after my brothers who stay at home. After the sudden death of my father, we were left without a home and any money, so my mother now works in the fields to earn something.
I have taken up humanities in school—History, Geography, Sociology, Political Science, English, Nepali, and Environmental Education. Among all the subjects I like English and Sociology the most. I wish I could get some help in English to enable me to improve my writing. My hobbies include playing and reading novels. I feel that the more I read the better I will be in writing and speaking in English. But I cannot afford to buy books, so I read whatever I can from the library at Gandhi Ashram which is rather small. I would like to pursue a degree in English in order to be a high school teacher. I am also thinking of doing a B.A in Social Work in order to be a community worker with a NGO in Kalimpong. Although I am not very talkative, I do not hesitate to ask a question if needed. My greatest strength is belief in God—a higher power-- and in Gandhi Ashram School. Whatever I am today is all because of the school. In the future, I would like to set up a school like Gandhi Ashram that would provide free education and music for poor children. I play the violin, and love to meet people from outside who come to Gandhi ashram school. I have traveled a little outside Kalimpong to play in the orchestra.
DOB 10 May, 1992
I am Kalpana and I am studying in class 9 in Saptarshi Gyanpeeth. I have the honor of studying in such a well-known school in Kalimpong. I am from a simple family fully dependent of the wages earned by my father who works as a street barber and a small-time farmer who owns a tiny plot of land near 6th mile. He does not make enough from his wages to support the family, so I am glad that I got a chance to receive such good education at Gandhi Ashram School. Although poor we are a happy and contended family, and I love my parents very much. My family means everything to me and also the benefactors of Gandhi Ashram as well as fr. Paul who is our current director. I have heartful gratitude towards their work in supporting a school that offers education and a home for those who cannot afford even food. Fr. Mc Guire is my idol and I remember him every day of my life—his smile, his kindness, and his concern for others.
I am very serious about my life and what I want to achieve in the future. However I fear about my future because my skills in English are limited. I have a great deal of interest in studying English and continuing my training in music. I would love to be a journalist who plays music and writes about music. I often lose hope because I feel that I do not have va solid background to fulfill my ambition. Although I have taken classes in poetry and am greatly influenced by it, I need help in understanding it and writing about it. I sometimes write poetry, and am looking forward for more help and new ideas about poetry because I want to excel in it. I love Indian and Nepali poets as well as British and American poets like Emily Dickinson. I also like maths, but I need a lot of assistance in the subject. Although English is my favorite subject, I find all subjects in the humanities—history, sociology, and economics very interesting. I enjoy playing the violin because it helps me forget my sorrows. I would also like to be a music teacher but I need a lot of special training in music to be help achieve this goal.
DOB 1994 24 Oct
My name is Kailash Rai and I am 13 years old. I live in Balapan Bustee, Upper Tashiding, Kalimpong. From my village you can see the Kanchenjunga range. I am studying in Gandhi Ashram School in class 7. In my family there are 5 members and I am the youngest son of my parents. My grandmother lives with my parents and one brother and sister. My father works as a barber and my mother works at home. My favorite hobby is playing different kinds of musical instruments—violin, viola, keyboard. I am not interested in sports like football, cricket, etc, that are very popular with the kids. My best subject is English but I hate maths because in spite of all my efforts to do well I am still weak in maths. I practice maths often and do sums over and over again, but cannot do well in my exams. Despite this, I put a lot of effort in doing well in other subjects. My aim is to become a good music conductor when I grow up. I am also ready to work hard to fulfill my parent’s dreams because very parent dreams that their children will one day grow up to a successful individual and look after them in their old age. I am thinking of studying music after I finish school, but I am not sure how to aooly to schools that offer music—especially the violin. After studying music, I want to return to Gandhi Ashram School and share my talents with others by teaching them and playing for them.
DOB 26 Oct 1993
My name is Pasang Bhutia and people think I am very mischievous. I come from a simple family. My parents are farmers who cultivate paddy and vegetables. My family owns a small piece of land in a small village called Pourbong Bustee where we grow vegetables for our own use. I have two sisters and a brother. My sisters and I go to Gandhi Ashram School. We were all brought to the school by Fr. Mc Guire. In 2006, I was admitted to St. Augustine’s School in class 8. It was a dream come true since I had never imagined that I would go to such a good school. St. Augustine has very good teachers and I can play sports like football and basketball.
In Octover 2006, I went for a trip to Germany with 14 other students. It was a really wonderful time for me. We visited a lot of wonderful places, and got a chance to play in big halls.
I really thank Fr. Mc Guire for taking me in. I firmly believe that without him and without the Gandhi Ashram I would have been working as hired farmer without any future prospects. I am very happy at the Gandhi Ashram. I love when Roy Sir comes visiting—we chat, play, take walks, and he always has funny stories to tell. My ambition is to be a good person. I would like to study computers or education. I want to keep my family happy and also support the poor and Gandhi Ashram School.
DOB 6 JUNE 1993
I am Sunita: when I was about 5 I was brought to the Gandhi Ashram School which was founded by Fr. McGuire in 1993. I studied at the school till class 7 and then moved to SHP in class 8. My father works as carpenter. I am the oldest daughter in the family that consists of my parents and two brothers aged 12 and 15. my two brothers go to a public, government-run school near 8th mile. My favorite hobbies are playing the violin, playing badminton, and dancing. My best subjects are science and history, but I am weak in maths. I am trying my level best to do better in maths but I think I need some additional help in the form of tutoring. I count myself lucky that I learned to play the violin. How many children from my background can go to a good school, let alone learn the violin. My strength is my family and the other students at Gandhi Ashram. I would like to take science—biology—for my further studies, and be a teacher, a scientist, or a community worker. I the future I would like to support Gandhi Ashram School in whatever way possible.
DOB 27 JULY 1992
My name is Dominic and I come from a small village called Poshyor Bustee situated near a bamboo forest. It is quite far from Kalimpong and takes about one and a half hour’s walk through the mountains to reach my village from Gandhi Ashram School. In my family there are ten members—four brothers and three sisters. I am the seventh child. We have a small plot of land, about 4 decimals, where we grow vegetables and raise pigs. My father is a small framer who spends all day working in the fields. We also have a cow, six goats, and about 11 hens. My elder brother looks after the cow and the goats. He also cuts grass from the forest and brings it home for the animals. My parents did not have any money to send all of us to school, and so some of them are illiterate. But they are very intelligent and love to tell stories. My mother is a vegetable seller. She collects vegetables from the village and sells them in the town. She works very hard to look after our needs. She is also a very religious and strict lady. Both my parents are not educated. They could not get an education because of poverty. My grandfather was a stone breaker and a farmer. Although they are not educated, they are kind hearted and caring. My sister Celina and I are the luckiest children in the village because we were admitted to Gandhi Ashram School. Fr. McGuire came to our village when Celina was only 5 and took her to the school. After completing class 8 in Gandhi Ashram, I joined St. Augustine’s School in 2005. That year Fr. McGuire passed away and we were all overcome by sorrow. It was as if we had lost a parent. Now fr. Paul is helping me. I am in class 9. I know that in today’s world we have to study and be educated. Otherwise we will become like a mat outside the room. People will clean their feet on the mat and walk on it. I want to educated not just to support my family but also to help my community. Already we have many people from the community who are working to improve the condition of poor farmers.
Nepali is my mother tongue. Nepali people are a very honest and sincere. I am also a tribal boy. The name Tamang belongs to a tribal group. Tamangs are usually very talented, but are shy by nature. We can do a lot better if we are given a chance, like Prashant Tamang who is a star in Indian Idol.
My hobbies are to read story books and books on science, astronomy, anything . I also love to play the violin and play basketball during my free time. I love to read mythological stories—Indian and Greek mythologies, stories with moral values and religious books. I am a bit weak in Englsih since it is not my mother tongue, but I am trying to improve my English by reading more books. I like to play the violin because it makes me happy, and when I am sad it makes me forget my troubles. I am fond of Beethoven, Mozart, Vivaldi, and Vanesae Mae. I also like computers and would love to learn more about computer application, programming, and graphic design. However, I haven’t done very well in computers at school: we don’t have a computer in school for me to practice programming. All six of them that are lying in the computer room at Gandhi Ashram do not work.
Of all the science subjects, I love Biology very much. My aim is to be a doctor and help the poor. I want to make the world a better place by stopping killing of animals, felling trees, and protecting animals from poachers and disease. We live in a beautiful world and it is our responsibility to take care of it.
DOB April 29, 1992
I am Anita. I am eighteen years old and studying in class 10 at Dr. Graham’s Homes in Kalimpong. Like the others, I am a boarder at the Gandhi Ashram School which is the greatest support for me. The boarders have a true home in the school. We can go to Fr. Paul for help anytime of the day and in times of trouble.
I love music very much. In fact, I cannot imagine life without my music.
I just have a mother in my family since my father died when I was just a toddler. My mother is a very hard working woman. She was the one who led me to the right path, taught me to value life and education, and has given me happiness beyond all expectations. I have taken up science for my ISCE Board exams, and am particularly interested in biology. My aim in life is to become a successful woman and look after my mother. I will always help Gandhi Ashram because I is the greatest strength of my life, more than my family. I am told that I lack courage and self-confidence, qualities that are necessary for success in life. I would like to be more self-confident and learn about asserting myself. I also need some extra help in chemistry and physics.
DOB 12 Feb, 1993
I am Birmit Lepcha (Simickmo). I come from a simple lepcha family. lepchas are considered to be the original inhabitants of the hills around Kalimpong but now not many children learn or speak the language. I am a girl from a very simple family. my father is a small farmer and my mother keeps herself busy doing the housework and tending to the goats and pigs. There are eight members in my family—3 brothers and two sisters. I was about four when my aunt brought me to Kalimpong. Unable to take care of me, she admitted me to the Gandhi Ashram School. I remained in the school for eight years under the care of Fr. Mc Guire. I also learned to play the violin which made me happy and forget my worries. One years back I went to Saptarshi. I am currently in class p.
My favourite subject is Science, but I am weak in mathematics and physics. After I complete my ISCE Boards, I would like to go to the university to study science. My aim in life is to be either a nurse or a teacher of biology in school.
DOB 8 November 1990
I am Milan, and I was born in a poor family near Poshyor Bustee. I was six when Fr. Mc Guire brought me to the Gandhi Ashram School. My parents are both farmers and my brother who is two years younger to me is illiterate. He stopped going to school after class 2. both my parents work hard in the fields in order to support the family. They take care of the plants, water them, do weeding, fetch wood for fire, and carry water from the spring. I am really thankful that I got the opportunity to attend Gandhi Ashram. I have taken Science in class 10. I decided to do science because my science teacher at Gandhi Ashram in class 8 inspired me. She taught me new ways to understand and appreciate science.
After taking my board examinations, I am interested in joining merchant navy. I would also like to go to college before that and study biology. I love heavy metal and alternate metal and hard rock. I am weak in maths, and people say that I am not serious about life and like to take things easy. It is true that I love to joke and play pranks on my friends, but I am definite plans for my future.
DOB 11 Oct, 1991
I am Jennifer and I go to st. Joseph’s Convent in Kalimpong (class 9). I am fun loving person, kind hearted, and sometimes irritating. I love to make others laught.
I come from a large family of eight. My father is a mason, and my other brother is training to be a car mechanic (because he dropped out of school last year). My mother takes acre of each and everyone’s needs.
My favorite subject is chemistry. Right now I am taking science and want to continue with it. But others tell me that science is very hard and that I have to be very good at it in order to study it in college. I believe that nothing is easy unless and until we try it and put in our best. I love to play basketball and I like to listen to and sing sentimental songs. I love the violin. I am going for a trip to Germany, Italy, France, and Switzerland in Oct 2007 to play violin in 4 cities. The chance to play violin and to travel all over the world—how many poor children from our world can be as lucky as I am?
DOB 22 May 1991
I am John from Lower Chibbo Bustee located in 5th Mile, Kalimpong. My parents are poor, and therefore could not give me a good education in the local schools. So they admitted me to Gandhi Ashram School where only underprivileged children study. After finishing class 8 at Gandhi Ashram I joined Dr. Graham’s Homes School which is one of the best known schools in Kalimpong. I am now in class 10 getting ready to take my ICSE Board exams in march 2008. after finishing school I would like to go to college.
As I am the only child in my family going to school, my parents expect something from me in the future. They want me to study hard and aspire to be somebody. We are four brothers in the family, and I am the only one among the four who has remained in school. Another—the youngest—is in a government school nearby. The other brothers dropped out of school and work as casual laborers. But they tell me to study hard and achieve something in life. I am very fond of commerce and my ambition is t go to college and then get an MBA. All I can say is that I am capable of it. I am quite good instudies, but need some extra help in mathematics and English.
DOB May 10, 1991
I am Kishen. My parents are farmers, and we are together seven in the family. I am the youngest member of the family. I am very grateful to Gandhi Ashram School for giving me a chance to study and learn music. I learned my first alphabet here at Gandhi Ashram. At present, I am studying at Dr. Graham’s Homes in class 10. I have taken up commerce. Besides commerce, I also like economics. But I need to work more on improving my mathematics. I aim to go to college to do an B Com and then study for a M Com. I like playing football, reading music, and playing the violin. I am also very interested in music and computers. Playing Vivaldi gives me a lot of pleasure, and I also love Bach and Mozart. I can speak four languages—Nepali, English, Hindi, and a little bit of Bengali, the language of the state of West Bengal where Kalimpong is situated. My favorite subject in Commerce is Accounting. I was also made perfect of my class this summer. I wish I could receive some help studying business mathematics. I know that I have a big responsibility to achive something in life so that I can support my poor parents. Gandhi Ashram has given me full support—I am a boarder and I get along very well with the other boarders. It has become my second home. I miss it when I am away. If I become a successful person, I will do my best to help the school.
DOB 5 July, 1990
My name is Jokhim and I was born in Poshyor Bustee in Kalimpong. There are five members in my family. My mother grows vegetables in a small plot of land that she owns. She also has cattle—one cow, two pigs, and four goats. My father is a cook at Gandhi Ashram School, and this is the place I call home.
I was admitted to this school when I was six, and since then I have been living here. I learned to play the violin when I was six, which has been one of the greatest achievements in life. I love playing in the school orchestra where there are about 40 students playing first violin, second violin, cello and viola. I enjoy playing Beethoven, Bach, Vivaldi, and Mozart, and hill songs. I love to share my musical skills with others, and I do so by teaching some of the smaller children from my village. I have also been trained to play trios, which I enjoy a great deal. I will be traveling with Ajoy and Jennifer to Europe in mid Oct to play at concerts. Although I am excited, I worry that I will miss too many classes during the three weeks abroad.
I study at Dr. Graham’s Homes in Kalimpong. I am in class 12 and will appear for my ISCE Board Exams in March 2008. I have a great interest in subjects such as economics, mathematics, and environmental education. I want to pursue higher education in commerce and then go for an MBA. At times I have doubts as to whether I will achieve my dreams. My family cannot afford the money required to finance higher education or pursue an MBA. But I still have hope, someone will be there to help me as God himself has said that ask and you will be given, seek and you will find.
The other reason that I have to go for further studies is that I will be the first one passing my class 12 from my entire village. Most students have stopped studying after class 9 or 10. Most do not full understand the value of a good education. I have seen people learning to drive at 13 to be a driver. I have seen my own parents encouraging their children to work in the fields rather than study. Most of my villagers believe in the old way of life and it’s often very difficult to explain to them that the world is changing and that education has a very important place in this world. Those who want to continue working in the fields should also get some kind of education so that they can take better care of their crops and their lands.
DOB 30 March, 1993
I live in Tashiding Bustee located near 5th mile in Kalimpong. I am from a poor family, and there are eight members in my family. My father is a carpenter and my mother a housewife. My father loves to make small furniture, like stools and benches, and also wooden toys. I often paint these toys and give them to my friends in the village. Two of my sisters are married and my one brother and sister stay at home and help my parents. I and my elder brother got a chance to study in Gandhi Ashram School. Presently I am at Dr. Graham’s Homes in class 9, and my brother is in college in Darjeeling. Both my brother and I are trying hard to make a life for ourselves so that we can help our family. My main interests include practicing maths, reading comics and adventure stories, and playing the violin. I also want to learn to play the keyboard. My weakness is business maths. My strength is the desire to move forward and keep trying no matter how hard the tasks are. I wish to study in order to be a manager at a bank.
DOB 22nd Jan 1992
I am Sachin and people usually joke that I remind them of Sachin Tendulkar, the famous Indian batsman. I was born in Poshyour near Kalimpong and was lucky enough to be admitted to Gandhi Ashram School. It has been quite a long time since I came here—meanwhile lots of things have changed. Fr. Mc Guire passed away in August 2005, on India’s independence day. When we arrived at the school we were all given a violin each and given lessons everyday. At first I used to run away from school since I was not very interested in playing the violin. The first few months were not easy because all we could do was make noises on the violin. Now how realize how important music is to my life. I practise regularly and wish to learn the piano and the organ.
I am in class 10, and have two younger sisters. Both of my parents are illiterate but they value education. I often have a tough time because I have to continue my studies and also help my sisters. I am the only son and being the oldest, I bear a lot of responsibility, looking after my sisters and managing everything.
I have taken commerce but I am not sure what I want to do after passing my class 12 board exams. My ambition is to become an army officer. The army offers total security for the family. At one point I was thinking of studying music after school but I have to earn enough to be able to support my family. I was also thinking of doing honors in economics or commerce, but since I don’t have much financial support I am not sure what I’ll do when I leave school. All of my friends have sponsors but I don’t have one—and this makes me a bit depressed. But Gandhi Ashram school continues to support me and encourage me to do my best. This is the best gift I have ever received. I love indoor games such as volleyball and have won several prizes.
DOB March 10, 1992
I am Subarna born in a family of poor farmers. I have three sisters and my old uncle lives at our home. He often tells me stories about my family and about Kalimpong 50 years back. I am in class 10 and my aim in life is to be a successful career woman. The one and only person who has helped me and set me on my path of dreams is late fr. McGuire. I think of him everyday—when I am sitting alone and staring at the stars, or watching the arin wash down the hills. Also my parents are a precious gift to me. When they are happy, I feel relaxed and happy. Whenthey feel lonely and sad I feel bad. I am always there to console them and to give them hope. My mother is a guiding source of life—like a lighthouse in the dark ocean. She gives light to others even though she leads a life of great hardship. She has always taught me to aim high and to move forward in life. My father says; “You have all the answers inside you. The more you trust yourself the easier your life will be. Look inside and care for others.’
I have three sisters. We always fight over small things but cannot live without each other. We have always been reminded that your dreams will continue to call out to you either softly in whispers or loudly until you acknowledge them and express them in your everyday life. After completing class 8, I was admitted to Saptarshi Gyanpeeth School where I am taking commerce and business maths in addition to subjects like social sciences, English, and Nepali. I wish to take up commerce in college. My belief is that people are happiest and most successful when their work is aligned with what is meaningful to them and what they are passionate about.
DOB AUG 5, 1991
I am Indu, a name that means the moon. At present I am in class 10 in Saptashree Gyanpeeth, one of the well known private schools in Kalimpong. My strength is my family without whom I would be nothing. I have a big family consisting of eight members. My father is a small farmer who tends his little field near our cottage on the slopes of a hill. You can often see the Kanchenjunga from my home. I am also grateful to Gandhi Ashram School; without it, I would be nothing.
My weakness is my short temper, although I am a trustworthy friend. I love chatting and joking with my friends, and watching TV whenever father allows us to, and most of all listening to music—pop, Hindi songs, and classical instrumental music.
I love Economics followed by English literature. After class 10, I am planning to opt for commerce. Though I am weak in math, I believe that I can excel in it if I receive some additional help in solving math sums. I love playing the violin, and my dream is to see Gandhi Ashram orchestra as a world famous orchestra.
DOB OCT 10, 1990
I am Lucy and presently in class 11 at Dr. Graham’s Homes School, a school established more than 100 years back during the British colonial rule. I love reading storybooks and my favorite authors are Meg Cabot and Erich Segal. I have opted for science and I intend to study business in college and become a good accountant. My best subjects are maths and English. I had a hard and difficult life, and at times I was filled with total despair but now I am better and back at school hoping to do my best to get a good standing in class 12. I respect my parents a lot and I believe that without them I wouldn’t be what I am today. I have my father, mother, uncle, grandmother, two brothers and a sister living in the same hut. My father works in the farm and my mother looks after the family and the cattle. I love my elder brother very much. He is a taxi driver and his name is Robin. He loves to tell me stories about his travels. My biggest strength is God, my parents, and my sponsors at Gandhi Ashram. Without their support, I would not have the ability to stand here or even write this biography. I love reading books, watching TV, listening to music and chatting with my friends. I also love munching of junk food, which Fr. Paul does not approve of at all.
25. AJAY
DOB April 10, 1991
I am Ajay and my family comes from Chibo Bustee, not far from Gandhi Ashram. I am an orphan and live with my grandparents. I am presently in Dr. Graham’s Homes in Class 9. I am weak in mathematics and physics but no matter how complicated they are, I enjoy these subjects. I have a keen interest in environmental education. I like designing things—everything from houses, jewelry, furniture. I often draw new designs and would love to learn graphics. I would like to get some counseling on ways to pursue a caeer in design, which I am told is very much in demand in India. But design is a big field and I’ll have to wait and see which kind of design I can study after completing high school.
Years ago, my father , mother, and sister died in an accident and I came to live with my grandparents. They own a small field in which they grow vegetables and keep cattle. If you walk up the road from Gandhi Ashram and take the first path up the hill, you’ll reach their house in less than 20 minutes. I was sven when I came to Gandhi Ashram. This school helped me a lot to build my self-confidence and my knowledge. I am a boarder in the school. We are like a happy family here, although we occasionally have problems. I work very hard in the evenings after returning from school to help the people who work at the school. During weekends, I go to my grandparent’s house and help my grandfather in the field. I return to Gandhi Ashram on Sunday evening. I play the cello and people tell me that I am good it, although I would love to get more intensive training in the cello. I will be traveling to Europe later in Oct to play cello with some of my other friends from the school.
DOB AUG 1, 1991
I am Sabitri studying at Dr. Graham’s Homes in class 10. I am 17 years old. My family lives in Bagrakote in Jalpaiguri in North Bengal, not far from the Bangladesh border. I came to kalimpong at the age of six and joined Gandhi Ashram School. I have five members in my family—father, mother, and two sisters. My father and mother work in the tea gardens as tea pickers. My two sisters study in a Nepali-medium school in Bagrakote. I consider myself lucky to be staying at the Gandhi Ashram hostel. I studied at the school till class 8 and then joined Dr. Graham’s Homes. This was a great opportunity for me—to be admitted to one of the best schools in Kalimpong where I receive the best education. I thank Fr. McGuire for everything he did for me and for helping me at a time when I needed the most help. He was like God who helped poor people like us to make something out of our miserable lives. My hobbies are reading books, dancing, watching movies, and of course, playing the violin. I am devoted to the violin and every time I play it I get lost in another world. I have taken arts in class 10—history, geography, Economics, and English. My favorite subjects are economics, geography, and home science. I want to join a course in hotel management and hospitality after I pass out of high school. I often wonder what I where I would have been without Fr. Mc Guire—probably picking tea in some garden.
DOB 13 December 1989
I am Prakash from upper Tanek Bustee. My parents make their living by working in a farm. They are poor and uneducated and cannot afford to send me to regular schools. I was very lucky to be part of the Gandhi Ashram School where I have lived since 1995 since I was six. In 2005 I passed out of class 8 and was admitted to Dr. Graham’s Homes, and I am in class 10 getting ready to take my ICSE Board exams in March 2008.
At home we are seven members, including my parents. The eldest sister is married and has three children. I have two older brothers who stay at home working in the fields with my parents. Whatever they earn by selling vegetables is pent on food and clothes and there is very little left over from their earnings to buy books or shoes.
I am very keen on going for further studies after I pass out of school. My favorite subject is mathematics, although I do not excel in it. I think I can do much better if I receive some kind of tutoring. I am thinking of studying mathematics after school. I am also passionately fond of music—the violin and the guitar.
Since I am the only person in my family to complete the 10th Board, my parents expect me to become a successful professional. My dream is to be a math teacher in higher secondary or in college. I would also like to pursue music and learn new instruments.
DOB 10 JULY 1990
I am from a farmer’s family and was born in a place called Tanek in Kalimpong. Tanek is well known in India for its many varieties of orchids and gladioli flowers. The flowers grown in Tanek are sent to other parts of India and also to Europe. My family owns a piece of land where they cultivate these flowers as a cash crop, but they hardly earn enough since the flower dealers from the cities take all the profits. My younger sister and I study in Gandhi Ashram, and the remaining two sisters and parents work in the fields to earn a living for the rest of us. We are the only Sherpa family and often discriminated against by other non-Sherpa, Gorkha population. I feel it is my responsibility as the only son to take care of my family when I grow up and to ensure that they have enough to lead a happy and contented life. At times I feel like we are an injured bird caught in a nest of snakes.
I am now studying in class 10 at Dr. Graham’s Homes in Kalimpong. My favorite subjects are Physics and Biology, but I have some problems in mathematics, chemistry, and biology. Apart from academics I play the violin and interested in learning to play the drums well. I like games like football, cricket, and basketball. I am told that I am good at football but it is hard to make a career in the game since it is so competitive. I love acting in plays as well. My mind is filled with different possibilities and dreams of a career, and it is hard to focus on any one. Merchant navy attracts me, so do fields like engineering and medical science, biomedical sciences. But one has to be very good in studies to be a doctor or an engineer. Another problem is: even if I get in, who will pay for my expenses?
If I become a successful professional, I will return to my community and work for its upliftment. I would like to see Gandhi Ashram School become the best school in Kalimpong—a school that offers free and quality education to the poor. Gandhi Ashram gave me a perfect platform to make a difference and say: “See what a poor person can do if given a chance.”
DOB 5 SEPT 1993
I am Sashi and my name also means “the moon.” Living in 7th Mile in Kalimpong, I am from a family of six. My father is a farmer and my mother assists him in the fields. I have two sisters, one is studying in class 7 and the other is in college. My only brother studies in class 5. I go to Saptashri Gyanpeeth (class 9). Fr. McGuire brought me to Gandhi Ashram. Since his death in 2005, I have found a lot of support in fr. Paul who now serves as its director. Dr. Roy, who is a good friend of the school, also visits us often and we spend a lot of time talking about ourselves, our dreams and ambitions and interests. I am usually very shy, but do not hesitate in talking to Dr. Roy.
I want to go for science for my class 12 Boards, but I am weak in mathematics and physics. I love music, and my other great interest is in dance. I often wonder if I can be a professional Indian classical dancer! I love to sing as well. I am generally a very contended person and take one day at a time.
DOB 1 SEPT 1992
I am Anupa and come from a fairly large family. My father is the sole wage earner. My brothers and sisters go to two different government-run schools in Kalimpong. I go to Dr. Graham’s Homes 9class 10) and have taken science. However, I am quite weak in chemistry and mathematics and may opt for humanities if I go to college. I am good in geography and nepali and want to be a school teacher. I am particularly interested in music and education of small children, and would like to receive training in the Montessori method after I get my B.A. in college.
DOB 8 OCT, 1992
I am Deepa and I was born in a peaceful small place called 4th mile. The village has a mountain stream and filled with bamboo and sal forests. I am from a poor family. presently I am in dr. Graham’s Homes in class 9 Commerce. I have two brothers and I am the only daughter in the family. my parents do not have formal education. My father, as well as my two brothers, are taxi drivers. I am the only one in the family to continue my studies up to class 9. my interests are reading books and playing the violin. My real strength are my parents, who although poor, love and nurture me. My weakness: mathematics. My ambition in life is to become a nurse.
DOB 27 MAY 1991
I am James studying in Rockvale Academy in class 9. I am sixteen years old and the youngest in the family which consists of two brothers, my parents, and myself. . I am from Poshyor Bustee in the eastern Himalayas of India. Along with my two brothers I am part of the Gandhi Ashram family. I am a bit weak in Economics and English Literature and would like to receive some kind of help in order to improve my language and writing skills. My ambition in life is to be a schoolteacher, and I hope to follow the model path set up by Fr. Mc Guire.
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